Jessica Mozes
When people find out I work in comedy, they often ask who are my favorites and I love giving recommendations. Like any art, though, there are different comedy tastes. It's subjective.
Perhaps you're stuck in a rut and know all the punchlines to your favorite album, but haven't found anyone new in a while. Happy to help!
Perhaps you saw a show you didn't like and have dubbed yourself "not a stand up comedy person". I don't think you would see a crummy movie and say you're "not a film person" or hear a bad song and say you're "not really into music" (or maybe you are that fickle. It sounds exhausting.) In any case, let's dust you off and get you back on the horse.
Fill out the form below and I'll try to suggest a few folks.
Photo Credit: Mindy Tucker
Please note: This is not an algorithm or a form reply, but an actual human trying to give you a recommendation. Remember when that used to happen at a record store or video rental place? Kinda like that.
Your patience is appreciated, and like most yentas, this one doesn't bat a thousand, but hopefully I can tip you off to something you're kinda into.
Much like dating, comedy is best experienced live, so for a good time call your local comedy club and ask when their showcase show is. You'll see 5-10 comedians with varying degrees of polish, and with an open mind, you can see a solid live show for about the price of a mediocre blockbuster.